mental health

Women's Health Week // Mental Wellness

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It’s Women’s Health Week and studies show that while women today are leading healthier lives physically, there are still quite a few missing pieces to the overall picture of health and well-being.

Over 6 days I’m sharing scientifically proven tips on taking charge of your overall health and wellness.


Women wear so many hats these days and often times aren’t getting their own needs met, aren’t taking time for themselves, aren’t able to ask for help, and have a hard time taking a moment to stop, breathe, and share with others what’s going on internally for them.

First off, know that it’s OK to not be OK all the time. It’s absolutely normal, despite the fact that it’s not talked about openly. Thankfully, light is beginning to seep through the cracks on this topic, but it’s still not enough.

I most definitely have bad days and sometimes life just feels so goddamn hard. But that’s the stuff that makes life interesting in my opinion, and the frustrations and struggles, are all the things that make you stronger and help you figure out who and how you’re meant to be in this world.

Wellness is not just the physical exertion we do or the food we put into our bodies, but the personal work we put in daily to better understand who we are and what we need. And while the work itself is your own journey to take, sometimes it takes guidance, an ear to listen, someone to reflect with, or perhaps someone to unintentionally shine light on an area of ourselves we’ve kept hidden in the dark for far too long. As hard as it may be, let that light come in.

My recommendation:

Dive in deep with yourself. Every day. The more you know about yourself, your mind, and your individual behaviors and how to change them, the more likely you are to succeed in being the best version of yourself.

We all need support and outlets. Find what works best for you and seek someone to share openly with… a therapist, a friend, a family member, a ladies group.

Express and bring light to what’s on the inside — the positive, the negative, and the in-between.

Notice your thoughts .. notice your feelings .. notice your behaviors .. ask yourself what you need .. what do you want .. what is your inner voice saying.. what is your inner critic saying .. what drives you .. what holds you back .. what pushes you further .. what calms you .. what keeps you on track .. what makes you choose Y O U ?

And choose you. Make time for the things that fuel you and fill your cup.

“Staying positive doesn’t mean you have to be happy all the time. It means that even on hard days, you know that there are better ones coming.”

Love you guys. xx

Day 1 - Hormones. Are. Real.

Day 2 - Nutritional Biohacking

Day 3 - Lift Heavy and Periodize

Day 4 - Pelvic Power

Day 5 - Sleep Specifics


How do you best take care of your mental well-being?

What other adjustments have you made to your lifestyle to support your overall health and wellness? Share your favorite tips in the comments below — others in the community might benefit from your recommendations!

Come connect with me on Instagram @running_with_forks

Do you have any questions not answered in this post? Comment below or send me a note so I can continue to add information to answer your questions.

All About Omega's

Unless you're eating fatty fish 2-3 times a week, or bowls and bowls of kale, nuts, seeds and seaweed, you might want to consider supplementing your diet with this essential fat.

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Why? These fatty acids are extremely important in the day-to-day functioning of every tissue in our body and because we can't make enough on our own, and most likely don't eat bowls and bowls of the above, we must obtain them through our diets. Not to mention the modern diet creates an imbalance of Omega's in our body from over consumption of processed plant oils and processed foods...even more reason to supplement Omega-3 (too much omega-6 and not enough omega-3).

Deficiency and imbalance in these fatty acids can lead to a host of problems, symptoms and disorders ranging from organ and immune function, skin issues and mental health. No, thank you. But if you take care to ensure you’re getting adequate and balanced amounts in your daily diet, there are an incredible amount of benefits. Yes, please.


  • Improves brain function and enhances memory

  • Promotes healthy skin

  • Reduces overall inflammation in the body

  • Fetal/Infant growth and brain development

  • Improves mental health and mood

  • Decreases the risk of depression

  • Helps with attention disorders

  • Moderately decreases blood pressure in those with hypertension

  • Reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer and diabetes

  • Improves eye health

  • Increases metabolism and improves body composition

  • Aids in healthy sleep patterns

  • Involved in the repair and regeneration of cells

WHere to get 'em:

There are 3 compounds that make up omega-3 fatty acids:

EPA and DHA - Available in fish and algae and have been shown to be the most beneficial. Primarily derived from algae... fish then snack on the algae...and we snack on fish, or supplement with fish oil.

ALA - Found in plant-based foods like walnuts, flax, and chia seeds. ALA needs to be converted to EPA and DHA in the body. Not all that you consume is able to be converted, which is why it takes a lot of plant based intake to get your requirements. If you are purely plant-based, you most likely need additional supplementation.

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  • Eat wild-caught, cold-water fish such as salmon, mackerel, sardines, and albacore tuna 2-3 times a week.

    • If, like most people, your diet doesn’t include that amount, then you’ll need to supplement.

    • Note: Not all fish are created equal! A farm-raised fish may contain less omega-3 fats, more omega-6 fats, and more contaminants. Research where your fish comes from, rotate the type, and choose WILD over FARMED

  • Include plant foods like flax seeds, hemp seeds, chia seeds, walnuts, green leafy vegetables, spirulina and seaweed

What to look for in a Supplement:

*Choose brand names that have proven reliability and you know they source well

*Make sure they are purified and have the USP verified mark (US Pharmacopoeia)

*Algae is the base of the food chain for fish and where they get all their EPA/DHA. Consider going directly to the source and choose a high-quality algae supplement

*If choosing fish oil, choose a high-quality oil that states it is highly-concentrated, molecularly distilled and purified with no heavy metal contamination

*Look for a company that doesn’t contribute directly to the depletion of fish and that uses smaller fish such as herring and mackerel that are less likely to carry toxins. 

*Avoid cod liver oil (cod are long-living fish that over time accumulate environmental toxins)

Supplement dosage recommendation:

ALGAE OIL – 200-300 mg/day if you have a balanced fat intake, 500-1000mg 2x/day for optimal benefits. Try this one

FISH OIL – 3-9g/day of total fish oil (1-3 g EPA + DHA) Try this krill oil

Let me know if you have any questions or need any more recommendations! 

Health Note: Check with your doctor first if you are on blood thinners such Warfarin, Coumadin, Heparin or if you regularly take baby aspirin.

The Power of Posture

Running With Forks Yoga and Posture

The most underrated, yet influential, aspect of our health and wellness is our POSTURE.

We all know the mind and body are connected, but it is far more incredible and powerful than we give credit. Not only does posture affect our physical health and function but very importantly, posture affects our mental health and vice versa – think confidence, happiness and the ability to handle emotional and stressful situations. 

Two things to think about: How posture affects our mental state, and how posture affects our physical health and ability to move.

Consider what your posture looks like when you are feeling sad, blue or insecure in a situation. Our body pulls inward towards a fetal, self-protective positioning. Think about your posture during your daily activities – maybe you're sitting here reading this while hunched over your blue-lit screen of choice, slouching with rounded shoulders and a forward head carry, at your desk, in your car or on your phone .. these positions can negatively impact your happiness, your ability to deal with stressful situations, AND how you move and function. 

When we sit or stand with this poor posture, physically, we are compromising our ability to breathe deeply and fully, move properly, and ultimately down the road will lead to micro-trauma, muscular imbalances and injury such as neck, shoulder and lower back pain. Having a strong skeletal and muscular alignment allows the body to function at its best – efficiently, effectively and safely – minimizing the risk of injury and again, vice versa, improving your emotional state. 

Consider what your posture looks like when you are happy, excited and confident in a situation. Shoulders back, chest open, head up, core engaged and feet firmly planted on the ground. When we stand with a powerful posture – even when we don't feel so confident and powerful, there is a positive chemical shift in the brain which will ultimately shift our mood. AND, you guessed it, we can move safely and efficiently.

Through awareness and small adjustments to your routine, you have the power to change your energy and mood as well as your physical appearance, how people perceive you and your resilience to stress, injury and trauma.

For the sake of your physical and mental health, let's get in line. Exercises to promote strong posture coming your way.